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Soling World Championship

 Tuesday, 3. May 2022 - Saturday, 7. May 2022


Welcome to the Soling Worlds 2022 event page. Here you find all relevant data for this event. 

According to RRS 76.3 World Sailing has decided on 01 March 2022 that Russian and Belarusian competitors are not allowed to participate in World and Continental Championships due to acts of war.

Please read also the ISA Russian gate letter, dated 3/2/2022.


IMG 2091 

Der Chiemsee Yacht Club und die Solingflotte Chiemsee bedanken sich bei den folgenden Firmen und Personen für die freundliche finanzielle Unterstützung der Veranstaltung.
Chiemsee Yacht Club thanks the following persons / enterprises for the support of the Soling World Championship.

Karl Schenking, Familie Huff (CYC), Marien Apotheke (Prien), Heike und Rainer Gutjahr (CYC), Fa. Ultrasone, Hermann Wimmer (CYC), Dirk Salmon (CYC), Dr. Matthias Gebauer (CYC), Philipp Ullherr (CYC), Steffi Hannewald (CYC), Wolfgang Böttger (CYC), Roman Koch (CYC), Fa. whiteduck, Michael Dietzel, Thomas Eitzenhöfer.

Vielen Dank, thank you very much.