The clubs weather station is located on top of the mast on southern footbridge.


am: 18.05.24 um: 09h : 07m : 00s

Messwerte vom 18.05.24 - 09:07 Uhr
Temperatur 15.77 °C
Luftdruck 1011.43 hPa
Wassertemperatur 17.55 °C
Windrichtung 87.87 °
Feuchte 65.76 %
Windgeschw. 5.25 km/h
Windspitze 5.78 km/h
Winddurchschnitt 5.31 km/h
Windchill 15.77 °C
Hauptwindrichtung 87.97 °
00.0 - 0.20 = still< 1
1 - 30.3 - 1.51 = sehr leicht1 - 5
4 - 61.6 - 3.32 = leicht6 - 11
7 - 103.4 - 5.43 = schwach12 - 19
11 - 165.5 - 7.94 = mäßig20 - 28
17 - 218.0 - 10.75 = frisch29 - 38
22 - 2710.8 - 13.86 = stark39 - 49
28 - 3313.9 - 17.17 = steif50 - 61
34 - 4017.2 - 20.78 = stürmisch62 - 74
41 - 4720.8 - 24.49 = Sturm75 - 88
48 - 5524.5 - 28.410 = schwerer Sturm89 - 102
56 - 6328.5 - 32.611 = orkanartiger Sturm103 - 117
> 63> 32.612 = Orkan> 117